January 21, 2025

Many people wonder is tap water safe for bathing and showering, and they have all the reason to be curious. If tap water contamination is at an all-time high, then should you be worried about bathing and showering in this water as well as drinking it?

Is Tap Water Safe For Bathing and Showering?

Most uninformed people believe they only have to worry about the water they drink. However, some experts are saying that during a 10-minute shower, your body will literally “ingest” 10 to 50 times the level of water-borne chemicals than from drinking a glass of the same water. This is because all the chemicals that are present in tap water have very low boiling points and will vaporize even before the water hits the ground.

Showering in contaminated tap water is even more of a concern than drinking it because of inhalation and absorption of contaminants through the skin. Dermal absorption and inhalation of chlorine and other chemicals while showering have been linked to breast and bladder cancer, asthma, bronchitis, and other health conditions.

Contaminants and chemicals are easily absorbed through the skin, as a nicotine path clearly proves (and that’s just a tiny patch). Now imaging the rate of chemical absorption in a warm shower and over your entire body!

Inhalation causes these contaminants to enter directly into the bloodstream and have magnified adverse effects. Plus, your kidneys and liver never even get a shot at removing these contaminants!

Instead of wondering is tap water safe for bathing and showering, you’re better off assuring that what you bathe and shower in is pure and safe by installing a simple shower head filter. Not only do they provide great health benefits, they also provide many benefits for the skin and hair. Ever been in a swimming pool? Then you know that chlorine drys out your skin and hair!

Getting a shower head filter isn’t even that expensive either. The one that my family and I use in our home only cost us $85 and it removes over 90% of all chlorine, volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), and chlorinated byproducts (THMs). The filter cartridge that comes with it lasts for 6 months, and each replacement cartridge costs about $50.

The bottom line is: You can guarantee that the water you bathe and shower in is safe and pure by getting a shower head filter for just pennies a day! Is a handful of change worth protecting the health and well-being of your family?

You can learn all about the shower head water filter we use in our home to filter and purify our water for just pennies a day by visiting my website listed below. Is tap water safe [http://www.pure-healthy-water.com] for bathing and showering? It is with a shower head water filter!

J.P. Michaels is a long time user and passionate advocate of pure, safe,